Giving Day, also known as Giving Tuesday, is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving designed to give to charities or non-profits to support their cause during the Holiday season. How the Aerospace Center for Excellence (ACE) will be participating in Giving Day is through a unique and fun experience of a live-streamed flight simulator race provided in order to fundraise for educational programs. These educational programs include STEM and Aerospace based summer camps and field trips. Children of all ages can learn the importance of the STEM and Aerospace industry and ACE provides tools to show those students how vast and astounding these fields are.
In part of teaching students about these fields, the tools to educate them are held in the Ramus Skylab Innovation Center. This laboratory has Redbird Flight Simulators to give students a taste of flight and experience hands-on controls of an aircraft, DJI Tello Drones that fly inside where students can learn to fly remotely, 3D printers to unleash the inner engineer, and NOAA’s Science on a Sphere to give students the ability to study meteorology, cosmology, geography, etc all from a 3D perspective!
Fundraising for Giving Day allows us to raise money for these programs and so much more! How can you support us? On November 29, 2022 at 2 PM we are streaming a live sim race! Students from the local high school program on campus, Central Florida Aerospace Academy, are set to compete in two teams and race via the Redbird Flight Simulators in our Ramus Skylab Innovation Center. Joining us for the race will be social media influencer, Valerie Larson, also known as Skyline Baron Pilot. She will be coaching the students along the race and giving them guidance.
If you are interested in supporting our wonderful education programs, help fund the future by clicking the link and donating today!